‘New Woman',the women
who strongly wanted the equal right to vote,
the first women who wore trousers rather than skirts,
the first women to cut their long hair
which was hanging on to a Daenggi,
the women who were breaking old customs
and creating a new culture.
If these women did not exist, the women today
would live a rather bland, meaningless life.
‘KELLYSHIN’ is a collection inspired
by the new women, who inspired new ways,
and the progressive and energetic women
who are living in this day and age.
I would like to think the ‘new women’
who transcend ‘sex’
and dominate ‘tough’ and ‘soft’ are the women
who live in this contemporary age and do various or
complicated roles that are in reality very close to warriors.
Expressing a strong and elegant woman,
paying attention to detail.
Based on a technical feminine look,
I added feminine elements
such as a ruffles, corsets or silk.
I tried to make a variation of designs
that were not only strong but soft in style.